Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cho Seung Hui...

Death is always tragic. But when a person chooses to end their own life, the tragedy is even greater. The saddest part of suicide is that it could have been prevented, if only someone had heard the cry for help. Suicide is a subject that people often feel uncomfortable talking about, but it is something that shouldn’t be ignored.
When someone ends their life, the biggest question of those left behind is “Why?”. There is no one single reason, but the helplessness and hopelessness that leads to suicide can be caused by many factors such as depression, family problems, pressure to succeed and low self-esteem.
The majority of people who kill themselves don’t actually want to die, but they see suicide as the only way to end their emotional pain. Facts reveal that in most completed suicides, the person has discussed their suicidal thoughts or plans with someone. Obviously, not all suicides are preventable. But being able to recognize when someone needs help, could save a life.
It is important to know that if someone is depressed and showing suicidal tendencies, something as seemingly insignificant as an argument or break-up or more worst complete hated from the society,feeling neglected from mankind could be enough to tip them over the edge. Believe what they say. The idea that if someone voices their intentions to you then they’re just seeking attention is a complete myth. If you don’t take them seriously you could be missing their cry for help.He did reach-out for help but.........I personally grace my blog with the heart warming thoughts to the family of Cho Seung Hui and the 32 victims.May their souls rest in peace.

What happen to him?
What was going through he's mind?
What have we done to help him?
What was he's motive?
Was he to blame for what he did?
Was the 32 victims faith of being in wrong place in wrong time?
What can we do to prevent this from happening again?

Cho Seung Hui or Society?

Give me your thoughts......GOT IT!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spending Spree

Many times we heard and experience that money is not enough in our life.What say you?Do you feel the same?But, how much is enough? A rich man will eventually blurted out that they don't have enough to spend too.
During a conversation with friends recently, I told him that switching from one job to another job will not help save more money should one does not implant saving habit in their life. Maybe you will get better income; better promotion and eventually, your lifestyle will improve. But, I always believe that the more income you earn the more money one will spend.Do you agree?
My previous boss use to advice us to set aside some percentage of our income for saving. He added that one should have saving at least 6 months of salary. The reason is should you are jobless one day; you still have this income to cover for the next 6 month while looking for other job. I agree with him.
A lot of people tend to have low money management. They will get their pay, paid up everything and should any balance, they consider it as saving. But, sad to say that a lot of people will start to get "itchy" when they realize they still have balance of money and hence will spend it all to get what they want, as their next income is coming.I'm sure you feel the same too.
High commitment is always on the top of the list of reasons for “not enough money” symptom. With house, car, insurance to pay up for, they will be left with little once the income was out. They will be waiting for next month pay again as the clock ticks.
Though all the above can be consider a basic wants, one should buy within their mean. Don’t think that things will eventually improve in times to come (e.g. your pay will increase in year to come).Hey dude: You never know what will happen within the next second.
A rich “appearance” (filthy mansion, imported cars, branded clothing) will only make you look rich, but, with no saving, will tend to be worrying for you life. Don’t be surprise to see that a low income earner will have bulky bank account than majority of high income earner.
So, start planning your expenses now. Well, easier said than to be done, try to apply this simple principle in your life- Buy whatever you think you SHOULD buy, not whatever you WANT to buy. Hence, it will more or less improve your spending pattern..GOT IT!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Commonly, many people attempt suicidal because the failure they face in their life and this is because they don’t have an optimistic outlook on their life and also don’t believe in faith. According to a dictionary, the word ‘faith’ means strong belief, unquestioning confidence, the act of putting one’s faith in God and belief in the divine truth beyond proof. Faith makes one believe that tomorrow will be a better day and this is what modern day advocate as positive thinking. If you believe in faith you’ll definitely not allow yourselves to be depressed for long. Whatever our difficulties, we should not allow ourselves to be weakened by emotion. We should have faith to face our obstacles in a ‘manly’ way without allowing those difficulties to shatter our mental balance. Some people attempt suicide just because they fail in so many ways that depressed them. Faith is that which will see us through a failure. Did you ever hear before the old people commonly say that ‘when one door closes, another will open’? We have to go on living and we cannot let the problems drag us down. We have to believe that there is a sun light at the earth. As a person we need to believe in faith because this belief will keep us away from the influence of negative elements such as suicidal. An advice for people who try to attempt this sin, you need to be strong and don’t ever do something stupid such as suicidal. Think positively and be optimistic in any ways.....Hey this is life,there is ups and downs so we need to design it and make it our life.GOT IT!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Be yourself Be genuine

Was wondering myself yesterday while driving back from work....As a man thinks,How do I feel about myself?And how do you feel about yourself? Ask anyone that question & you would probably be getting a lot of negative feedbacks. In today's materialistic & competitive society, almost everyone strives out aggresively to one another just to be the best. Caught up in the rat-race of life, most end up being disatisfaction or incomplete with themselves. Once in awhile, we should take the time to get to know ourselves better. To appreciate the abilities & talents we have been blessed with. Instead of being eaten up by envy & jealousy, we should learn to be contented with the qualities we possess. We should realized that each individual is unique & special. We all exist for a specific purpose in this life, be it great or small. Therefore, no one on this earth can be considered insignificant or unimportant. If we choose to view life as a glass half-full, we may actually feel better about ourselves. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should learn to be thankful for what we have. Sure, there is no harm in self-improvement, but not to the extent that we forget who we truly are inside or where we came from our grass roots. We may never be as rich, successful or influential as some are & the grass may appear to be greener on the other side. But at the end of the day, we should be glad that we have been given a chance to live, & live each day to the fullest and be with people who care and love of what you are and not who they aspect you to be.GOT IT!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Waiting for you.WHO?

Appreaciate your love one when they are still alive. This is what I always advice the people around me. Many of those who already started to work (especially those from out-station) reduce their time of going back to pay a visit to their parents.
Should you have something to do for your parents, do it now. Never wait till tomorow as there are possibilities it won't come. We never know what will happen in the next second. Don't regret things that can be done earlier.
Many people making excuses such as they are very busy with their work. There was once a friend ask me. Should there are RM1 million to be collected tomorrow somewhere far away (and you are busy), will you go as well? That means it was just a sincererity of someone heart. If you have the guts, you will a way.
Therefore, stop making excuses. Your parents are waiting for you to go back each day. Though they may say it doesnt matter if you are busy, but, deep in their heart they really want you to be by their side.Is that really hard for us to do...I'll leave it to you'll to decide but trust me...I lost my dad in 2004 and just spent time the last 1 year with him as I was working abroad.Don't do the mistake I did.GOT IT!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Design your journey

Life can be complicated than you ever expected it to be.It's either we live with it or either design it to be in our path.The choice is within our reach.Do make the wise move,so to make life simple, here are 10 essential steps I personaly feels that it contributes to my art of living :

1. Learn to make up your mind. Fast.
2. Learn to not nag at others.
3. Choose the best option in whatever decision you are about to make.
4. Do not feel remorseful/regretful after making a decision.
5. Forgive others. This is the true meaning of PEACE.
6. Be true to yourself and to the people around you.
7. Love the people you know as if it's the last day on earth for you.
8. Take pride in everything you do.
9. Have faith in God. God helps those who help themselves. Remember.
10. Life is like a piano, what you get out of it, depends on how you play it.

We play the music not the music play us.GOT IT!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Everybody assumes, but the level of assumptions each and everyone of us make difference from one person to the other. Some assumes on almost everything while others assumes to a certain extent. Honestly, assuming is not a good act but somehow many of us are doing it.
Why? We assume just because we are lazy or take for granted to ask and approach the person involve and instead we avoid issues and questions that arise in our head. Therefore, we assumed
Assumptions can create misunderstanding or even hatred between two individuals, be it colleagues, family members or even best friends. They just assume that they know what the other is thinking. As a result, assumption can create a stir between two close bond, even it means that they know each other for ages.
We might not be able to stop assuming stuff about people but we might keep it at a minimal because the effect of assuming can sometimes be serious and maybe at one stage, it can end a relationship of two people for good. So, try not to assume instead approach and ask!Is that too much to ask?Open yourself to society since it's a free world.GOT IT!