Monday, January 29, 2007

What makes a true friend?

Nowadays, the word 'friend' is often spoken lightly & it's value has diminished. Many of us will have the opportunity of making many friends throughout our lifetime but, how can we tell a true friend from a false one? Allow me to express my personal view regarding this matter. A true friend always does the following:

1: F-orgives as well as forgets mistakes made in the past. He does not bring up or harp on certain issues that may have cropped up throughout the course of our friendship. A true friend does not harbor any ill-feeling or resentment towards us. He is also willing to overlook our weaknesses & accepts us for who we are.
2. R-espects us as well as our opinions. A good companion will never seek to belittle or embarass us. A true friend will also respect our point of view & is never rude or conceited whenever he associates with us. We will always feel accepted by him.
3. I-nspires & motivates us to better ourselves in all our endevours. A good friend will always provide us with support & encouragement whenever we face challenges in life. A true fellow comrade will bring out the best in us, cheering us on in all of our pursuits & ambitions.
4. E-mpathizes with us in the face of hardship & sorrow. He is willing to share our unhappiness & avails help to us in any possible way. A true friend shows understanding & support in times of difficulty. He will lend a listening ear & a shoulder to cry on at all times.
5.N-otices our moods & temperament. A true friend will always know when to say the right thing at the right time. He knows or at least takes the trouble to find out how we are getting along & is sensitive towards our needs & feelings.
6. D-efends us in the face of persecution & accusations. Remember, a true friend is always on our side. He will never betray us in any way or join in spreading notorious gossips about us behind our back. He sticks by us through thick & thin. A good friend will never back-bite us. A friend in need is a friend indeed!
A friend who is dependable & trustworthy is one who:



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Take a break

In our modern day society, many of us are subjected to pressure in every aspect of our lives, be it our personal or work life. As the stress level in us escalates, we do not seek to lessen it but instead continue to push ourselves to the brink until we finally reach the breaking point where everything falls to pieces.When that happens, alot of us have trouble pulling ourselves back together again. Some may even resort to extreme measures such as suicide or crime that will ultimately bring us to ruin.Stress affects all levels of society. In these competitive times, students are required to excel in academics & co-curriculum while working adults are required to meet high expectations & targets that has been set for them in their work place. As such, we need to develop an effective way to cope with stress.Once in a while, taking a short break can help alleviate our stress. It doesn't mean that we have to go on a long vacation to clear our heads. A short stroll in the neighbourhood park may help us to 'walk' off the stressful feelings. Listening to soothing or relaxing music in between your work time can help you relax your senses as music has a therapeutic effect. Watching a light-hearted comedy can help you laugh off some of the pressure you have coped up inside as well. Never ever isolate yourself when you are feeling blue. Seek out the company of a friend or a group of friends that you can share your feelings with. Take turns to listen to each others problems & try coming up with helpful suggestions to each others problems. You can also ask any of your loved ones to lend a listening ear to you. Sometimes, all you need is just a word of comfort & a shoulder to cry on to help you get over that stressful period in your life. Learn to recognize when you've had enough with work. Trying to continue ploughing on when your brain's engine is on the verge of breaking down will not do you any good. You may waste alot of effort as well as energy & yet end up achieving very little. At this point, it's time to hit the brakes & rest for a while. You will be surprised at how much better you can feel after a 30 minute nap! Lastly, seek to strengthen yourself spiritually so that you will be able to face the challenges life throws at you. It is important to know that a heart at rest gives life to the body. Prayer & meditation can help you stay calm & collected. Choose to live your life one day at a time. Do not worry or fret too much about the distant future. The human mind can never fanthom what lies far ahead in the future.GOT IT!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Innocent life circle

There were much blood and deaths splattered over our newspapers recently. Wars, crimes and accidents have taken many innocent lifes. They may be considered the luckier ones because many others who live, continue to mourn their untimely loss. It will be absolute grief for those close to their hearts, and whose bittersweet memories will haunt them for a long time to come.

Many who have died are innocent bystanders or reluctant participants in an unwanted confrontation or forced into an unfortunate situation. The rest of us can only read and watch helplessly. You may vent some of your anger but there is nothing much that can be done for those who have died. If some positive reaction materialises, it may have done some good, but this is likely to be some wistful thinking.

The continuing deaths and sufferings that surfaced with such regularity in the news had somewhat desentitised the public’s feelings over the loss of lives. They have become blurred and bored statistics in an unending saga of violence and destruction. We can debate the rights or wrongs about all these incidents but it does not do anyone any good. There is simply no justification for any killing or loss of lives. If Man cannot learn to live responsibly and in co-existence with each other, there is no hope.

One day we may become a victim too. It seems far off and ridiculous but who knows. It is easy to look the other way and think that the fault lies with others or find some other excuses. Unless everyone honestly searches his or her inner selves for answers, there can be no stop to all these carnage. It has been a tough situation. I just wish everyone peace and tranquility, to say a prayer to all those who have recently perished unnecessarily.GOT IT!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Heavenly Meal

In this world in turmoil when your thoughts may wander, a truly enjoyable and delicious meal seems a great idea. You do not need a good cook or spend a fortune in an expensive restaurant. Just whet up your appetite before you eat ! Think of the cast of Survivors, starved of the regular food which we take for granted. An ordinary burger and a little can of cola tasted heavenly.

It’s easy as you can either moderate the food you consume at your last meal or wait a little longer before you take your next one. Then choose to eat something you relish (no matter how hungry you are, you will not enjoy something you absolutely dislike).

Have your friends and families around if you can, but it does not matter even if you are alone. However, do not bring your worries to the dining table. Just switch off and focus on the meal. Offer a little prayer. Think how lucky you are to sit down peacefully to enjoy a decent meal. Appreciate nature’s wondrous growth that have given you the rice, vegetables, or meat served, and not forgetting the cook and other people for their hard work too.

Do not rush. Eat slowly even though you can eat faster. This is no race and there are no scavenger around to snatch away your catch. Savour the scent around and chew your food slowly. Taste what you consume. It will be good. You are also eating the way it ought to be done too. Finally do not over eat otherwise you end up uncomfortably.

There is nothing said here that is new and which you may not know. But modern life has stressed us out and we do not make the most of our meal times. Time to stop and smell your roses, and also enjoy your food too. If all these sound too philosophical, just remember that merely slowing down your eating pace can do you wonders. Bon appetite !GOT IT!


We always ask for forgiveness from God every time we do something wrong and conscience kicks in. But how often do we forgive others? We face plenty of transgressions done against us ranging from petty issues to serious crimes. Anger keeps us from forgiving. Do we really want the anger last till eternity? A saying goes: “Don’t let your anger continue past sundown.” The act of forgiving doesn’t mean that you must forget the deed on the spot. The act of forgiveness is releasing all anger related to that issue and holding no grudge toward it.
Humans remember bad things vividly but forget the good ones almost immediately. We must always try to overcome this trait. First, we must let go of all petty issues. Why clog up our minds with useless information? Then, we must run through our minds and make a list on whom we have lost contact because of misunderstandings. It is not a time to judge but to make amendments. Be humble and take the first step in apologizing and readily accept others’ apologies too. You may not forget the incident because how our brains work physiologically but we can control our minds to treat matters differently. I admit that I do not understand how it feels like to lose a loved one accidentally or deliberately. But in my opinion as a word of comfort, which is a cliché, it’s no use harboring revenge and anger because it will not change anything. Let God be the avenger as we have no authority to take the law into our own hands.
We have to admit that some major fights that we had will be forgotten over time. We may look back and even laugh about them. But why take such a long time to realize the absurdity in such issues? Look at children. A few minutes after a fight or argument, they would be playing together happily again. The faster we forget conflicts, the happier our lives will be. Grudging is one of the causes for shortening life-span. The world would be a happier place if every one of us changes our mentality. If only that could happen right now.GOT IT!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Regret of my LIFE!

Right couple, right place with the right situation always strikes love, but are there really secret recipes in achieving great long lasting love? Ever think of how’s the equation like for perfect love? Like 1 plus 1 equals to two. I couldn’t say there’s no possibility at all for such a formula, but someone who got deeply hurt before shall understand that there’s no such think exist on earth. Everything will come naturally as I can see so far and shall not be command or conquer by human being when it’s come to the road of love. Heart is where we always said to stored our love one, and the place to feel the pain and sweetness of love and being together, but it is a very fragile object. Once it’s broken then it shall not be fixed no matter how, and irreplaceable. I used to have this relationship very beautiful, with like what I’ve said, a beautiful place, with the right timing and a perfect situation, we fell in love with each other. We started together very soon, but we are happy to have each other, and we trusted each other with lots of promised. But one mistake from me changed the whole situation, and things become uncontrolled. She stopped loving me the same and she shunted her heart tight not to let me enter, not even once more. There’s no encore for this piece of love I once had, but I shall learn that once a heart is broken, you never get them back. For her, I really would like to say a million sorry. But I never lie a single moments, I have done all the best I really can to make her understand that no one on this earth will replace her. The feeling I got was so true and fadeless. For her once again, I wanted to say she had me until the day I took my last breath, and no matter what happen, she shall be in my heart eternally. My heart is fragile too, but because the love I once had, I stand strong and build my heart tough to go thru every single moment for her. Listen to my heart and read my words, and treasure it like I do.Tough she's happily married,guess there was a good thing happen for it. Never do a single mistake and never think of one mistake would be fine and forgiven easily; it highly depends on who you are with. I have made mistake once, and she is lost forever even everything she had done wrongly I gave my fully forgiveness, but this wont pay back what I have done, and she yet will not return.GOT IT!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The key of the heart

There’s always a conflict between guys and gals reactions towards different things in love. For a relation, is it really true that the only way to let each other learn is by leaving? Why can’t a relation ship be more caring when love was around. Isn’t that hard for each other to show and give appreciation when really need most.
Here's a story for my point:

Beckham met Victoria, and let himself be the right key in Victoria's life, and for the first few months, promises made, and vows pledged made Beckham go deeper in believing that this love was so true. He started to give everything he possibly can; He started to sacrifice things in her life, not for him, but for the future that he wished to have with her. When comes to that point he think it’s not worth it. She always says that “ I dint ask you to do so”
That really cuts him deep inside. A totality of unappreciated and disrespect of her as his soul mate, and that prove as well, everything he has done never got any appreciation or a little feeling of thankful from her. But he still hold on, he still want to stand strong, although all people around him asking to leave. But he refused and still trying to show that how good he is, and he made the decision not cause by ego or stubborn, it is because he wants to hold on to the breath off someone that he really love. No matter how bad she was, but the love he gave out wasn’t something easy to be kept back. I think this is what I meant the key of my heart.GOT IT!

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Legacy of Hope

Have we ever wondered why we humans find so many reasons to be unhappy? To fight among ourselves, to kill each other, to defy the very essence of humanity and life.Have we ever wondered when this world we live in, will end its fears and tears?We have become so hardened these days that an unfortunate death has become a part of life, just another news as long as it has nothing to do with us. Life goes on. We carry on. We need to move on. It becomes easier everytime.Is this how we were all intended to live?Animals too kill each other, yes. For food and survival even then only when it has too. Then it goes back living, respecting life and the nature that provides it. But we are the higher and gifted creations of God. We have power even over nature's creations. Whether to protect them or destroy is in our hands.When the last bird drops dead, when the last fish turns belly up, when the last drop of water becomes polluted, are we going to start eating our cash and credit cards?Have we ever wondered why we are living in a world so full of beauty and intelligence that even a minute cell knows its role in this existence? There must some higher reason for this whole concept of life?As humans, we are capable of many wonderful, precious things... of love, of forgiveness, of humanity. Yet, we continue living this way, in hatred and in sorrow? It doesn't make sense.We have the will, choice and power to decide what we want out of this world. What are we going to choose?Our children, our future legacy is going to take over the reins of world. Within a century from now, we will all be dead. What are we living behind for them. At least, some hope?GOT IT!

Heart of Giving!

The spirit of giving. How often have we heard this around these days? Plenty often. Yet giving is not something we can do only around the special days. The act of giving can be performed on any given day of our lives.
Giving is a natural state of the soul. The soul gives just for the pleasure of giving. It does not expect anything in return nor does it need to receive anything in order to get a feeling that an equal exchange in energy has taken place. It is the ego/personality that relies and wants an "equal exchange". When the personality gives, it often needs something back in return. This may be something of monetary value or it can be a need for acceptance, recognition and often love. The genuine act of giving can not exist where there is a need to receive something in return. Genuine giving is an act of the soul and the soul is content in simply giving.
I have often heard people ask, "How can I give when I have nothing myself?" To this I say, if you have a soul (which we all do) then you are capable of giving. One does not need to give by giving only money. You can give by donating your time to a worthy cause. Volunteering is an excellent form of giving, one that has rewarding benefits for those on the receiving end. For example, look at the smiling face of a dying child in the hospital after a loving volunteer spent time with him or her. The elderly shine when volunteers spend time in nursing homes. Any way that you can use your life to touch another is giving at its finest, and this is something you can do everyday, not just on special days.
Many people give on a daily basis. A warm smile, a loving gesture, a compliment. These are all forms of giving. You do not only have to give these things to people you know. A warm smile goes a long way for a frustrated sales clerk who's had a long, hectic day. Often ones demeanor immediatly changes and brightens for the better when we give warmly of ourselves. Try giving a compliment to the stranger that is occupying the bus shelter with you. Watch and see how their energy suddenly lifts. You won't have been a witness to their day but I assure you you will have made their day brighter with one simple compliment.
Giving is an essential part of self-discovery. I say this because a part of self-discovery is about learning to give to yourself unconditionally. When you give to yourself unconditionally, you are able to give to others unconditionally, meaning without conditions and expectations, hence the natural state of the soul. Is it any wonder that the process of self-discovery revolves around the intricate understanding and experiential knowing of the soul in its state of wholeness. Giving is part of that wholeness.
I encourage you to give. Not just on special days but always and in all ways from your heart center and your soul. The world becomes a better place when we all reach out to our fellow brothers and sisters and give without conditions. In closing, I give to you all a hearty cyber hug and the warmest of wishes for days filled with love, joy, abundance, peace and harmony. May you be blessed at this time and ALWAYS and please feel free to share your stories of giving on the BLOG.GOT IT!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Top 10 Qualities of Men & Women

There are many articles available today about what is the perfect attributes to have in order for a man or a woman to adore you or be attracted to you. The following is our Top Ten List of qualities or attributes that if you or your partner have will guarantee you to have a healthy, balanced relationship as well as being an attractive person both inside and out.
1)BALANCED: Balanced can mean many things, for the purposes of our article, we mean that you or your partner has a good sense of boundaries, that that you and your partner are a whole person and have a healthy lifestyle.More specifically, you or your partner knows how to maintain their own boundaries and respect the boundaries of their partner. They understand the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.It is important that you or your partner considers themself already a whole person, that you or your partner doesn’t need someone to fill themselves up or complete them in order to be a complete person. They need to have the belief system that a partner is there to enhance and support their natural, authentic expression, but is not needed to complete who they are.A healthy balance in their lifestyle is also important such as not working themselves too much, drinking or eating too much or doing anything in excess.
2)CONFIDENT: You or your partner are self-confident and have high self esteem. You are confident that you can handle new things, even if you have never done it before or if you may not get it right the first time around. You or your partner has an internal point of reference; you do not need to have reassurance and complements from others to be confident. At the same time you are confident enough to accept compliments or criticism, and are not afraid to give compliments to other people.
3) INDEPENDENT You can be a functional person without relying on another person and you are not codependent.Codependency is a condition that results from dysfunctional patterns based on unhealthy relationships. These dysfunctional patterns are socially learned patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting which result in dependency on other people, places, organizations, things and events to create approval, appreciation, self worth and love to achieve a sense of safety, self esteem, purpose and identity.
4)RELATIONSHIP MASTERY SKILLS: You or your partner knows how to relate in a relationship. You or your partner know important skills like communication skills, conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.
5)EMOTIONAL OPENNESS: You and your partner are able to be emotionally open and honest, being able to express your opinions and be comfortable enough to allow and support your partner’s emotional openness as well.
6)EMPATHETIC: You or your partner need to be able to empathize with the emotions, point of view and experiences of your partner, to be able to get right into their heads and feelings without judgment or trying to fix their situation.
7)UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: You and your partner need to understand the concept of unconditional love, to be able to love you partner whether you agree with their beliefs, emotions, feelings or behaviors. To be able to transcend the conditional love paradigm, even if you are not getting what you want at the given time.
8)ON DHARMIC PATH: A person who is on their dharmic path is someone who is in bliss for a great deal of their day. What a wonderful inspiration to be with someone who is on path.
9)NON-RESISTANT TO CHANGE: You or your partner is someone who is not in resistance to change, or at the very least understands when they are in resistance to change and allows themselves to go through the stages of adapting to change without resisting the process. You or your partner would need to understand and accept that change is a natural part of life.
10)SENSE OF HUMOUR: When the going gets tough, the tough start laughing. Do you ever find that when you make light of a difficult situation is a lot easier to get through? Well, having a partner who can make light of a situation (of course while still empathizing with your situation) is much easier on you than a partner who freaks out whenever something happens. Laughter brings gentle strength and renews your focus so you can be open to new ways of dealing with the situation.Compatibility and knowing what are your wants, needs and requirements are all vital to finding your highest and best relationship. The list above, although depending upon your level of consciousness may seem a little out of reach. However, regardless of your personality and what you are seeking in a partner and what your partner is seeking in you, the list above are fail safe attributes that are universal to everyone that are within everyone’s reach and will guarantee a healthy relationship that sets the stage for both stability and expansion. GOT IT!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

All we need is LOVE!

All we need is love, the Beatles told us. But in my experience giving and receiving the quality of love we desire is a darned hard thing. Why is that?Perhaps it is because to get the love we need we have to honestly present ourselves to the world. How can someone give you the kind of love you need if your present a false picture of yourself to them? If you can’t show the world who you truly are then all you can do is hope that someone will provide the kind of love you need by accident. Consequently the quality of love you receive may directly correlate to your ability to be vulnerable with other people.And of course it is darned hard to be vulnerable. Most of us arrived as adults by becoming actors of our own lives. It often reaches the point where even we get confused and find it difficult to tell if the version of ourselves that we present to the world is fake or the genuine article.I have a friend who wants someone find someone that totally “gets” her. Some part of me thinks that waiting around for this person is a lot like waiting for God. At best you can hope that some combination of people will “get” you in divergent ways where you feel this appreciation and love. But sometimes I run across couples who truly seem to me to be so well integrated that I tend to put aside my skepticism and think “These two people are soul mates. They were meant to be together.” So alas, im back at square one, confusion...confusion...confusion...As small children, we all have an image of our ideal man/woman....what he/she looks like, how he/she talks, and how he /she expresses and conducts himself. You think you will meet him/her, experience love at first sight, and be swept off your feet. When the day comes and you find yourself goosebumps in love with that special someone, he/she nothing like the person you imagined. While he/she isn't the Prince Charming/Prince Diana...oops! you've always dreamed about, but it worth giving a chance to explore much more. It is so amazing that the one person you have been looking for is unlike anything in your childhood dreams. Is it because our childhood thoughts are a mere reflection of society's vision of the perfect love or possibly a wish to fulfill the fairy tales.We have been force-fed since birth? Mabe it's time we rethink those reflection and emphasize our culture places on them. The truth of the matter is that love finds you when you least expect it, in the most unlikely places at a time when love is the farthest thing from your mind. And the person you fall in love with is the one you feel an inexplicable connection with, an indescribable desire to be with, not some preconceived notion of perfection.Perfection becomes what you see in your mate, both strengths and weaknesses, and you realize that the ideal man/woman the person who gives you everything....heart and soul and teaches you how to love not only him/her but yourself as well.GOT IT!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Self Improvement Is A Key To Quitting Smoking

Often smokers ask how to quit smoking? The answer is quit by quitting. If you are soft, and if you show the slightest latitude, you will continue to sail aimlessly in the rudderless boat. You are unlikely to reach your destination.Don't complain about lack of assistance. Much of the aids and material are available to you in the market today to help you in the process of quitting! These materials will be of use to you only if you have a strong will power. Any pact is useless unless there is a strong will power to implement it.The most amazing thing about the quality of you the smoker is that you are aware of the fact that you can't escape punishment for your misdeed. The habit of smoking can turn into a life-time suffering in the form of severe diseases or death itself. And yet many smokers have hesitation to quit smoking!The main problem before you is how to spend the time that you normally spend in smoking. Those long and short intervals of nicotine pull and push!Now, you need to fill up these gaps with positive activities. The same needs to be done in a systematic manner. If you do not organize this activity properly, there is every chance of you slipping into the nicotine zone again.You are caught in the net of nicotine, and it is a complicated weave. If you escape from one end, you are trapped at the other end. The situation is somewhat like that. To begin with, try to be strong at the intellectual level. Read lots of anti-smoking literature.The actual process of coming out of the nicotine net is time-consuming and complicated. Read lots of case studies, regarding the life stories of the suffering of the smokers.Visit a cancer ward in a hospital and talk to the patients and the doctors. This will have a telling impact on your mind. Your determination to quit smoking will solidify.Sometimes, simple substitutes work effectively. Buy common cinnamon sticks. They are comfortable to suck. It has the appearance of the cigar. Cinnamon is healthy from the point of view of the health of heart.When the urge to smoke becomes too much, just get up from that place and go for a brisk walk that will tire you out.Have a regular schedule of exercise, meditation and breathing exercises. You have to slowly and steadily enhance your internal strength.This time you must succeed in your stop smoking effort. You are already late, but better late than never!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Man & Woman

1. A friend
2. A companion
3. A lover
4. A brother
5. A father
6. A master
7. A chef
8. An electrician
9. A carpenter
10. A plumber
11. A mechanic
12. A decorator
13. A stylist
14. A sexologist
15. A gynecologist
16. A psychologist
17. A pest exterminator
18. A psychiatrist
19. A healer
20. A good listener
21. An organizer
22. A good father
23. Very clean
24. Sympathetic
25. Athletic
26. Warm
27. Attentive
28. Gallant
29. Intelligent
30. Funny
31. Creative
32. Tender
33. Strong
34. Understanding
36. Prudent
37. Ambitious
38. Capable
39. Courageous
40. Determined
41. True
42. Dependable
43. Passionate

44. Give her compliments regularly
45. Love shopping
46. Be honest
47. Be very rich
48. Not stress her out
49. Not look at other girls

50. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself
52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes

53. Never to forget:* birthdays* anniversaries* arrangements she makes


1. Leave him alone

What is relationship?

1. Many of us begin their relationships for fun (try only; first time experience), to show off, to fight off peer pressure etc. In the end, who's being hurt when things get serious?
2. Don't start a serious relationship if you aren't ready yet; but of course, if you insist it's just for fun, don't hurt others due to your selfishness!
3. Don't brag that you can handle a relationship easily when you're beginning to court someone; be good in looking after urself before taking care of others.
4. Majority - Guys are prone to peer, work, family pressure. As they are sensitive and can't stand the burden, they tend to let them out on their partners. So please, train yourself and control. Find better ways to mollify yourself instead of abusing others.
5. Saying is easier than doing!Once in a while, guys will slip out of their actions/words and hurt their partners because we guys could not stand stress. So girls, please, be understanding and patient. Mollify your men well and then bring up the topic about better ways to understand each other. Encourage a discussion always. Most girls get angry because of their temperamental men; hence break-ups occur. Remember, if you love someone deeply, forget about small matters and always improve on them.
6. Always forgive each other and move on with life..Compromise with each other will lead to a long lasting relationship.
7. For those who can't get over their broken relationships, look on the bright side. Learn to love others - nature, family, animals etc. Love is not only for your partner yeah. When you love someone or anything, you'll be happier and things will be much easier for you.
8. Don't be too calculative. Don't complain so much about your partner. If you complain so much, then why start a relationship in the first place? You'll only hurt yourself and her/him. Instead of complaining, talk about whatever to her/him - find a solution BUT no abusing verbally/physically. Arguments are welcomed of course if both parties can take them.
9. Don't Don't complain about your partner or tell your problems about relationships to your friend! Though that's your best or good friend, Never trust them so easily. Don't take things for so granted yeah. Unless, you feel that that person can be trusted really, then it's up to you personally. Most people suggest that talking to your PARENTS is best solution. They know best, so they can give you bits of advice. Of course, if they're nosey and might interfere with your relationship, then be smart and change the story, not involving your name whatsoever. Or talk to your family members will be great. If it's really bad, then email me

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Mother Earth

Doesn’t the world have enough problems? Doesn’t all religion teach forgiveness? Does it solve the problem by showing violence at the people who made a grave mistake? Does violence make a point? Why don’t you come up with a funnier cartoon? Did your religion teach you to set fire, burn and show so much violence? Are you setting a good example of belonging to such a religion? Why can’t we learn and practice the good part of religion? Why are you worrying the world of millions of innocent people just to show you are angry? Where has human wisdom gone?

The world has been suffering from so much fighting over religion. How can you teach your children that religion is a good thing? Why must anyone fight at all? Why is religion being used as a reason or an excuse to have war?

What do you all want out of all this? World peace or world war? Why can’t nations just leave nations alone. Why can’t you be contented with life as it is, why can’t we trade with one another honestly like how all religion tells us too? Why can’t the world be shared with all to live in harmony? Has religion and education failed? What good do we get out of all this? Why still fight the wars of yesteryears?

There are bigger issues like keeping the world a safer place, maintaining its resources and making it a better world for our children and future generation to live in. With all this fighting, what does it really teach our children? Are we preparing this world to be a better place for them or making it worst?

Where has all the wisdom gone? Why is it being overcome by greed and selfishness and carelessness? What is happening to this beautiful world and its beautiful people?

Why don’t you spend time thinking how to make ends meet and work hard for your family like the rest of us do? Does all the protesting feed your children?

There are more serious issues in the world to attend to like survival.

Leaders of the world, please find peace for the rest of us, you have been given the power by God to make things better for the world, please do your part to keep world peace not create world war.



Friday, January 5, 2007

Ideal life partner

In this present world,each individual has his own freedom to choose a life partner as we are no longer attach to the ancient family rules.Life partners play a very important role in our lives as they bring a very high influence into our characters and decisions.They are involve in every scene of our story and as a result,joy or sorrow are dependent on them.Happy moments and hardships are to be gone through together as they took the oath to be each other's spouse.Therefore,a person's life partner's role matters very much in contibution to his success or downfall and this is why i'm still looking for the someone.
Most guys wished to have a rich,smart,beautiful,diligent and kind person as their ideal life partner.But,an all in one package partner seems to be beyond existance as we are all human beings with lustful thoughts and acts.In my opinion,an ideal life partner should practise the same religion and beliefs as oneself to avoid disagreement in decisions regarding religions.A couple who share the similar faith get to work things out in a spiritual manner and this helps to reduce quarrels and arguments.On the other hand,their children need not face the circumstances of being persuaded to accept the different beliefs of their parents.This might also prevent harm from outsiders,friends or even our most trusted ones as the family stay in unity.
Nonetheless,my ideal life partner would be a person who is worth my trust.Being with an untrustworthy partner for the rest of your life would be a nightmare as it will just cause inferiority and jealousy to arouse.But,a reliable life partner makes me feel secure no matter where or what she is doing.For some unfortunate couples,they were forced to live in a far distance due to certain factors after or before their marriage.And in this scenario,a reliable partner does not give his spouse a threat of disloyalty but an untrustworthy one will be doubt and distrust.People do sometimes share their properties,bank accounts and other valuable stuffs with their life partner and what would happen if their trust were to be used in vain by their negligent partners.We will never know when disasters appear and things are just unpredictable all the time.
Apart from that,I think it would be better if my life partner is smart and resourceful.A smart life partner ensures a good living as she is capable of making money and being a loyalthy mum to my kids.It is rather hectic to slot day and night whilst the women stays at home without sharing the burden of the family these days.Life partner with intelligent ideas may create surprises and wonderful things and being spontaneous in many ways would have never expected in all our lives.Out of love,these wise people brighten up their life partners as well with insurance and guidance.A resourceful partner keeps a person like me to learn and gain more knowledge by providing daily advices too.As we endure to be with our loved ones,we do not wish to depart from them.Wise thinkers may care and make more wise decisions in their habits,culture or exposure in anything.In this way,we less worry for a wise than a foolish partner.
Hence,an abundant life is much determined by ones life partner.It is one of the most important decision to make on choosing the right life partner.Life often presents us with big,crucial and sometimes,decisions that we never want to make.But,I presume good decision requires love and rationality.People tend to make decisions based on petty calculations of personal profit and loss.But,we should make decisions based on love and not by anger nor the future benefits we gain.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Peace of Mankind

Sometimes I wonder whether I'm better off, NOT knowing issues that is going on in the world today. The disillusionment that one inevitably suffers, as he realises that world is not as perfect as he once assumed, is a standard ritual of growing up, And yet I can't shake the nagging doubts that perhaps I would have been much happier, though evidently less worthly, if these incidents had never been brought to my attention in the first place.War, famine, pollution, racism, sexism, the list just goes on and on and on. I don't even need to give examples, just open your daily newspaper, and there you have it. Now, long ago I resolved that this world isn't perfect, but to be reminded of it every other day, As I am literally assaulted with this information, just leaves me wishing that I could succeed from this great brotherhood of mankind. I've known many, who simply turn a blind eye. Those "lucky" few who can simply ignore everything that happens to the world around them, and enjoy their morning cup of coffee with such relish that only a man who was so convinced that the world revolved solely around them, and that so long as this world was unmarred and unblemished, they couldn't care less about the going-ons of the "rest" of civilisation. I find this cocktail of ignorance, apathy and egotism, laced with cynicism... a little less then unsettling.And I've said to myself, I don't want to be one of those people, and yet I find myself saying once too often, "I'm glad that didn't happen to me!" or simply flipping the page over when it seems too morbid and depressing. I find my myself shunting out all the depressing things that happen in this world, just standing waistdeep in a pool of denial, and when finally an ethical and moral crisis decends upon me, I dive for the solace of empathy and charity to salvage what little humanity there is left.These days though, I've realised that the only thing we can do, is try. We certainly can't change the whole world, but we can at least change the world around us, the people we work with, and our family and friends, or even a stranger on the street. Sometimes the smallest things we do, can make the biggest changes to the world around you.GOT it!.

That's LIFE!

Have you ever wonder,Why life have been so unfair to you?Why you have to work so hard but you just can't get back the value of the return?Why you always try to your maksimum in producing results in workplace but it end-up worthless without appreciation? Sometimes I do felt so,but think back on the bright side,life have been fair.Each time after I gone through a hard time which I really felt down and wished I could turn back time,I'll get back some good experiences which have make me grown and start to appreciate what I owned.I've learned to ask myself if life wouldn't have its ups and downs,will it be meaningful or will I be enjoying life like what I did now and my answer is always 'No'. Sometimes I've put a high expectation in what I've been working hard for,as a result,I ended up being upset.Time passed by and I'm tired of being upset for not getting what I want,so,I just let it be.Be myself,work hard but not expecting any return.Suprisingly,I've got more than what I wanted as a return!!This is life,I guessed so! Sometimes I felt that I treat my friends well but ended up being betrayed and hurt.Still remember once a mentor told me,''If ever in your life,a person betrayed you once,is their fault but if they betrayed you twice,is your fault'',I don't understand at first but when I asked further,the mentor said ''if you let the same person betrayed you twice,isn't it your fault for being not aware?''.So,I started to realise,I still treat my friends well but I'm aware of their behaviour,I guessed I'll feel better.Guess what?I felt much more happier as I've learn to differentiate the real friends around me. Life actually is a series of experiences,each one of its,makes us grown,even though sometimes it's hard to realise!At the moment,i'm enjoying and living a leasure of good quality and amazing pool of friends that appreciate me as I am.GOT It!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Once we mentioned the word love, those lucky ones might feels that they are in heaven but for those who are not so lucky feels that they are in a place worst than HELL..How funny this world can turn into..Let me share with you a few real life experience..


EXAMPLE 1 : Guy A is a totally uninspiring guy and everything he does he do it in "slow motion"..totally (or can be say as lazy) but guess what, God decide to send someone totally opposite of him to take care of him and now both of them are a very lovely couple.
EXAMPLE 2 : Guy B is a very in secure guy, used to like a girl very much but lately a girl goes crazy over him, she cooked for him, take care of him, try to go out with him all the time and be there for him...How lucky huh..from what i heard, both of them just become couple and they are quite happy with each other..Thats good


EXAMPLE 3 : Guy C like this girl a lot and he do everything for that girl, call her, fetch her, buy gifts for her, be there for her, concern about her but they are not couple yet..the reason ? the girl dont know what she wants although she likes that guy..she keep on answering that guy that she don’t know what she want when guy C asked how is their relationship..and now that guy in depressed mood and no longer have vision about life..too bad huh.
EXAMPLE 4 : Guy D and Guy E like the same girl...sounds familiar ?It happened quite often in some movies but this happens to my friends,now the girl having dillema cause don’t know which guy to choose from.Both the guys also in depression mood.Both of them treated the girl the best they could. No decision from the girl yet cause she dont want to hurt any of the guys.
After all the example i have given you it shows that life can be so different for different people..Whenever you are happy be glad that you are in that situation and if you are sad keep believing that life will be much better the next day..miracles happens in a split seconds so be ready to get change yourself for it..
What else to say ???Peoplle out there, love is a wonderful thing, it doesnt matter what kind of love, love for friends , love for parents, love for friends etc....Appreciate and Cherish it..Those waiting for their loved one to reply their love, give them a little bit of time..
To love someone is nothing, To be loved is something , To love and be loved is everything-Got it!

Forgiving person-Mother

No matter what you may have done wrong, a person who is always able to give you a second chance, none other than your own mother.
In the competitive world of today, whereby we have numerous choices and alternatives to choose from, the harsh environment is whenever you fail to deliver, there are plenty of others who are ever ready to replace you.
Except in the eyes of your mother, you will forever be the child she can not find any replacement, a child she will cherish and love most.
For those who have lost their mothers, they will understand the loss of love better than those who are luckier & still have their parents living along them.
Many times in the past, we used to take things for granted, we assumed the love given by our mum is our basic rights. Mum is to provide and feed us, and she is duty bound to let us have the best, she would only eat whatever we left behind, duty fully clean up the table and chairs, washed the dishes.
She would be concerned if her dishes were not eaten, worried most when one of us fell sick. If we did some naughty things, she will reprimand us, but never gave up upon us. Instead, she always forgave us no matter what we did.
Once, I went for clubbing and only reach home in the morning and couldn't go to work. She found out and scolded me for making such irresponsible acts, but thankfully for the good side of her she forgave my mistakes and reminded me always to take care of myself, never should I forget to keep her informed of my well beings.
Many of us tend to forget and not able to forgive others for any mistakes made. We failed to learn the wisdoms of forgiveness taught so well by our mum. If and only if we could have been more sensitive and humble to notice this great virtue our mum has passed down to us, we have received the greatest gift from her, and no money can buy such unconditional love and care.
Mum, a great creation of loving GOD, a lady we have taken for granted but remained to be most forgiving person in the world for the world population.