Monday, January 29, 2007

What makes a true friend?

Nowadays, the word 'friend' is often spoken lightly & it's value has diminished. Many of us will have the opportunity of making many friends throughout our lifetime but, how can we tell a true friend from a false one? Allow me to express my personal view regarding this matter. A true friend always does the following:

1: F-orgives as well as forgets mistakes made in the past. He does not bring up or harp on certain issues that may have cropped up throughout the course of our friendship. A true friend does not harbor any ill-feeling or resentment towards us. He is also willing to overlook our weaknesses & accepts us for who we are.
2. R-espects us as well as our opinions. A good companion will never seek to belittle or embarass us. A true friend will also respect our point of view & is never rude or conceited whenever he associates with us. We will always feel accepted by him.
3. I-nspires & motivates us to better ourselves in all our endevours. A good friend will always provide us with support & encouragement whenever we face challenges in life. A true fellow comrade will bring out the best in us, cheering us on in all of our pursuits & ambitions.
4. E-mpathizes with us in the face of hardship & sorrow. He is willing to share our unhappiness & avails help to us in any possible way. A true friend shows understanding & support in times of difficulty. He will lend a listening ear & a shoulder to cry on at all times.
5.N-otices our moods & temperament. A true friend will always know when to say the right thing at the right time. He knows or at least takes the trouble to find out how we are getting along & is sensitive towards our needs & feelings.
6. D-efends us in the face of persecution & accusations. Remember, a true friend is always on our side. He will never betray us in any way or join in spreading notorious gossips about us behind our back. He sticks by us through thick & thin. A good friend will never back-bite us. A friend in need is a friend indeed!
A friend who is dependable & trustworthy is one who:



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