Monday, January 22, 2007


We always ask for forgiveness from God every time we do something wrong and conscience kicks in. But how often do we forgive others? We face plenty of transgressions done against us ranging from petty issues to serious crimes. Anger keeps us from forgiving. Do we really want the anger last till eternity? A saying goes: “Don’t let your anger continue past sundown.” The act of forgiving doesn’t mean that you must forget the deed on the spot. The act of forgiveness is releasing all anger related to that issue and holding no grudge toward it.
Humans remember bad things vividly but forget the good ones almost immediately. We must always try to overcome this trait. First, we must let go of all petty issues. Why clog up our minds with useless information? Then, we must run through our minds and make a list on whom we have lost contact because of misunderstandings. It is not a time to judge but to make amendments. Be humble and take the first step in apologizing and readily accept others’ apologies too. You may not forget the incident because how our brains work physiologically but we can control our minds to treat matters differently. I admit that I do not understand how it feels like to lose a loved one accidentally or deliberately. But in my opinion as a word of comfort, which is a cliché, it’s no use harboring revenge and anger because it will not change anything. Let God be the avenger as we have no authority to take the law into our own hands.
We have to admit that some major fights that we had will be forgotten over time. We may look back and even laugh about them. But why take such a long time to realize the absurdity in such issues? Look at children. A few minutes after a fight or argument, they would be playing together happily again. The faster we forget conflicts, the happier our lives will be. Grudging is one of the causes for shortening life-span. The world would be a happier place if every one of us changes our mentality. If only that could happen right now.GOT IT!

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