Filial piety used to be one of the main virtues upheld in our Asian culture. However, it is sad to say that in our modern society, respect & love for our elderly parents is slowly decreasing. I 've have heard of countless incidences where an ailing parent is left by his or her children to suffer alone in a government hospital. And what about the old folks who stand by the entrances of nursing homes, waiting for their children to come take them home. How is it possible that any child can be as ungrateful & inhumane as to leave his or her parent to fate, without having second thoughts? Has materialism & immorality become such a dominant part of our lives till we have forsakened every bit of our conscience?In this era, not only are the elderly abandoned, young children are as well. Numerous reports of the discovery of a baby amongst heaps of rubbish or stuffed in a duffel bag & left on a bench makes me shake my head in sadness. To a lesser extent, I hear of young parents who leave their children to the care of babysitters for several days & only visit their children on weekends, They are ready to devote their lives to work & ambition while their family's welfare takes a back seat. With morality headed downhill, more & more family units are breaking up with divorce rates soaring not just in the West but in the Asian society as well. The sacredness of marriage has been tarnished & the vow 'till death do us part' carries no more weight. Lust has replaced love in these days where people seek only to satisfy their selfish desires & are unwilling to work towards building strong & stable relationships. What kind of madness has taken over the society of today? Have we been blinded by our own selfish wants & needs that we readily abandon our parents who have raised us & forsake our own children? Let there not be a day when family love ceases to exist. Worse still, I hope we will never live to see the day when the word 'family' becomes obsolete. Where joy & happiness in a household becomes a distant dream. Let us not live to see that day come to being.GOT IT!
traditional altruistic Asian values have been replaced by more western egocentric influences. nowadays it's more about having more material things... it's not even about pursuing dreams and about aiming for a better life. it's all about keeping up with the Jones'.
but people will sooner or later realize they should be looking back to their roots. let us hope. after all, there's no better place like home.
Appreciate for your comments...J anofoz.Would like to exchange link....
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