Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I think the above is a value we have lost. Our society these days take things for granted, or worse yet, we overpraise someone else in front of the people we take for granted.
Many of us in the younger generation are actually victims of this tragic loss. We tend to value our friends more than our parents and to make it worse we tell it to our parents' faces in the heat of the moment or even through our conduct by our inclination to spend more time with our friends rather than our parents.
Actually it hurts a lot. I recently was the recipient of such treatment. For example, I did so much for a friend but the friend turns round and instead of giving a sincere thanks, it's a thanks BUT "this thing went wrong, another thing wasn't satisfactory", whether or not I was the cause of it, it shows that my friend was not 100% satisfied. Where else that same friend starts praising another person in front of me who did the same thing for the friend, with actually even more flaws, but was put up on a high pedestal.
Putting it into the context of our parents. Many might agree we love our parents at least but then we start complaining about how they don't give us enough freedom, they are partial, etc. Where else we then praise other people's parents how they are so nice, so generous to their kids etc.
It hurts. I just hope and pray that we will begin to see our own flaws and change our ways. I am learning too. Let us give recognition where it's due and do it sincerely with no "buts" and with tact.GOT IT!

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