Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cho Seung Hui...

Death is always tragic. But when a person chooses to end their own life, the tragedy is even greater. The saddest part of suicide is that it could have been prevented, if only someone had heard the cry for help. Suicide is a subject that people often feel uncomfortable talking about, but it is something that shouldn’t be ignored.
When someone ends their life, the biggest question of those left behind is “Why?”. There is no one single reason, but the helplessness and hopelessness that leads to suicide can be caused by many factors such as depression, family problems, pressure to succeed and low self-esteem.
The majority of people who kill themselves don’t actually want to die, but they see suicide as the only way to end their emotional pain. Facts reveal that in most completed suicides, the person has discussed their suicidal thoughts or plans with someone. Obviously, not all suicides are preventable. But being able to recognize when someone needs help, could save a life.
It is important to know that if someone is depressed and showing suicidal tendencies, something as seemingly insignificant as an argument or break-up or more worst complete hated from the society,feeling neglected from mankind could be enough to tip them over the edge. Believe what they say. The idea that if someone voices their intentions to you then they’re just seeking attention is a complete myth. If you don’t take them seriously you could be missing their cry for help.He did reach-out for help but.........I personally grace my blog with the heart warming thoughts to the family of Cho Seung Hui and the 32 victims.May their souls rest in peace.

What happen to him?
What was going through he's mind?
What have we done to help him?
What was he's motive?
Was he to blame for what he did?
Was the 32 victims faith of being in wrong place in wrong time?
What can we do to prevent this from happening again?

Cho Seung Hui or Society?

Give me your thoughts......GOT IT!


Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to find someone who actually shows compassion towards Cho Seung-Hui, instead of just calling him a loser and hateful stuff like that.
I can only imagine how much he suffered to end up doing something like this.
What made him this way? We can only speculate. Maybe his parents cared more about his sister than about him, maybe he was bullied, he was alone for too long and already had something (like schizophrenia or any other psychosis) and living in an environment where he was rejected, where no one cared about him and surrounded by what he considered false values was more than enough for him to snap.
I'm not justifying his actions, just trying to explain them.
I hope this leads to people being more aware of their fellow men and women, for everyone's sake, and not becoming paranoid and discriminating against those with problems (which would only make their problems worse).

Cylan said...

Hey JM4847...Thank you for the comment and at least I'm not alone!Cheers.