Friday, November 17, 2006

Born of a new blogger

All this while i've heard and commented about the world of bloging from people around me but my reaction was simple:????????????ohhhwhtever!

But today i was born as new blogger by my colleaque Jay. It was a strike of amaze what tis 4 letter words can change the way we connecting to people.

We spent nearly half day of our work re-engineering my profile that cool or wht?
Jay....Thanks man!

So,it's almost an hour more before i knock off from office....let me do some work that is what i've been paid.......Welcome me with open arms.


ck said...

hi cylan. i am ck from cklittle. i would like to do a link exchange with you. but i don't know how. please advice.

Cylan said...

Hi ck.Thank you for dropping by and the link.Just visited your blog and i saw my link.