Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Everyday we read in the papers of the horrors that are not only happening in my own country but all over this world. It saddens me to know that such evil is knocking on our doors. We read about rape and killings that are such a waste, Babies are being raped and abused, potential young women are brutally taken away and accidents that can be averted happen. WHY?
To me it is lack of respect. Respect for life, respect for people and all things. If we respect one another, we wouldn't rape and kill babies and women, we would respect their right of life to live. If we respect people we would make sure that safety was a priorety when we work, drive or even when we construct. It is a lack of respect that makes some people lose their total regard for what happens to others.
We dont respect our old any more , we put them in home telling ourselves that thats the best. We dont respect our neighbours we dont even say hello or give a friendly wave. We dont respect people we work with we divide ourselves by rank and pay. We dont respect our childrens right to have both parents to care and nuture them. We give that job to nannys or maids. The world has changed and I dont deny we have to work harder to obtain the means to satisfy our basic needs but are we really out to satisfy basic needs or just the need to be better than the next. To me thats fine but we cant let a simple thing like respect be lost in our quest to succeed. Once we lose that respect we become no better than the criminals that rape , kill, desicrate, and steal.
If we respect each other maybe we can cut down on the crime that happen. We cant be so absorbed in our lives to that we forget the simplest of things that god and our fore fathers have often reminded us about "respect one another".
It is a waste for such peolpe to die so young and for us to forget it without learning a lesson from it. Respect life no matter how small and if we teach our children that maybe just maybe we can reduce crimes in this country. Because whether we want to admit it or not and whether or not we like it criminals, rapists, murders, thieves are somebody's child. So lets start to teach the young ones respect for life, the environment, the forests and people before its to late.
I once read a saying that I will always remeber it goes:
A hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of car I drove, the house I lived in or how much money I had in the bank but the world is a better place because of the child I loved"
The world will be a better place if my children learn respect and love.

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